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I had never seen an Albert Brooks films before this one. I had heard a lot about his films, and the reviews were generally good. In fact many consider Brooks to be one of the best directors in the world today. Based on this film I wouldn't go that far, but it was a pretty good movie. Brooks plays a man who gets divorced for the second time, and decides he needs to figure out a few things. The most important thing he needs to figure out, is his relationship with his mother (Debbie Reynolds), so he moves back in with her. I must say, this is one of the few times the hype on an actor has been on the money. Reynolds was getting a lot of press around Oscar time (and I don't think she was nominated) and she lived up to the advanced billing. She made the movie for me. The rest of the cast was ok (including Rob Morrow and Lisa Kudrow), but it was Reynolds that was the most fun. Everytime she was on screen you knew something funny was going to happen. Brooks wrote the film as well, but his part wasn't anything special unless he was around Reynolds. It was the interaction between the two that made the movie as funny as it was. And the relationship was exactly like a mother-son relationship. The son exasperated at everything his mother does, and the mom just wanting to make the son happy and not understanding why he isn't. I liked this movie, well worth the rental price.

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