Liar, Liar Jim Carrey has returned. After a somewhat dissapointing box office showing in The Cable Guy (a movie I loved), Carrey returns to his old self in Liar, Liar. The basic premise is Carrey plays a lawyer who lies (and no comments about that please), not only in court, but to his family and friends. His son makes a wish in his birthday that Carrey couldn't lie for one day. Of course the one day happens to be the day of the big case, the one that could make Carrey's character, Fletcher Reed, a partner in his law firm. The plot of the movie is nothing special, and the rest of the cast doesn't do very much except set Carrey up for his routine. But Jim Carrey has proven over and over why he is such a talent. He manages to make you laugh at his antics no matter how stupid they are. The funniest scene (in my opinion) in the movie is when he beats himself up in a men's room to try and win sympathy from the judge. The idea of a guy beating himself up is kind of ridiculous, but Carrey manages to pull it off. Liar, Liar isn't a movie for everyone. You really need to like Jim Carrey and his amazing slapstick comedy ability, but if you are a Jim Carrey fan, you'll love this film.
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