Text Version I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. I liked Wesley Snipes, I like Diane Lane, I like Daniel Benzali, and I like Dennis Miller. So far so good. I don't like Dennis Miller in cop roles, he's a comedian and should stay in comedy, I just don't believe him as anything else. Benzali plays I guess the leader of the Secret Service, but his personality was just too much in this movie. When he was on Murder One his monotone, I'm the important one style of talking worked well because the show was built around him, and he was in fact the important one. In this movie he was a player, but not The player, so his attitude was just annoying. Diane Lane plays a Secret Service agent assigned to help Washington D.C. homicide detective Regis, played by Wesley Snipes. A woman is found murdered in the White House, and Snipes is called in to investigate, or at least make it look like the White House is interested in finding the killer. Of course he gets stonewalled at every turn, but somehow manages to figure things out. Soon he gets Lane on his side, and she's being chased by the Secret Service, and it seems everyone is lying about something or covering something up. The problem with the movie is that there were too many twists and turns and after a while I lost interest in finding out who did kill the girl. First you think one person killed the girl, then another, then another, then someone else, and the reasons behind it keep piling up. The actors were strong, but the story was too much, and the final solution, the final reason why she was killed, just didn't make sense. Well, it made sense logically, but somehow the idea behind it just didn't sit well with me. I guess overall it wasn't a bad movie, but it could have been better.
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